
You will get

The truly all-in-one benefits solution you’ve been waiting for


 Get new hires enrolled quickly
 Compare and select plans
 Review coverage status for all employees
 Monitor employee enrollment status and deadlines
Setup your own virtual agency call center
Store, review, and acknowledge important plan documents

An independent and neutral benefits administration & HR platform brokers and carriers trust


Employee Navigator is the recognized leader in benefits and HR platform that brokers can use to manage their entire book of business online. From medical and dental to life insurance and critical illness, we can support 99% of benefits you want to make available to your customers.

 Digitize your entire book of business for one flat fee
 Deliver a great customer experience with a modern benefits and HR product
 Put your service ahead of your peers with control of your digital storefront with a self-service experience
 Easily offer a more comprehensive set of benefits to your employer groups

The Stone Hill National Advantage


Stone Hill has been your partner in the employer benefits space since 1989. With our partnership with Employee Navigator we bring something unique and valuable to you and your employer groups - something that is difficult to find anywhere else

 We will create and configure your employer groups on Employee Navigator for you.
 We will set up all the carrier integrations your employer group has with Employee Navigators best of class carrier integration network.
 We will make all updates to carriers and coverages as they change and/or are added.
 We will test and train your employer groups on their Employee Navigator portal - on your behalf.
 We will always have you front and center as the agent and broker.
 We can re-create and take over existing Employee Navigator groups you may have, so everything is under one roof.
 Contact Amy Roberts for creation timelines, and the groups benefit integration details.

A Simple Pricing plan


We can invoice the employer group or you as the agent/broker - your choice.

$1.00 PEPM


The $1.00 per employee per month includes all employees that are eligible to elect benefits.

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